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Guillermo Bustamante

Guillermo Bustamante

Combating Misinformation | Researcher

Guillermo Bustamante-Pavez, PhD in Communication (University of Los Andes), is a journalist and holds a Bachelor's in Social Communication (Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception), a Master's in Communication and Digital Journalism (Universidad Mayor), a Diploma in Research Methodologies and Techniques (Universidad del Pacífico), a Diploma in Mixed Methods for Social Research (Alberto Hurtado University), and a Diploma in University Teaching (Universidad de los Andes).

He is a member of the Latin American Chair of Transmedia Narratives of the Institute of Latin American Cooperation (ICLA) of the National University of Rosario (UNR) and a member of the Association of Communication Researchers of Chile, IncomChile.

He currently serves as an assistant professor at the School of Communication of the Universidad de los Andes, where he teaches courses on communication theory, public opinion, and culture and the digital environment. Additionally, he is a professor in the Faculty of Doctorate in Communication and a member of the Academic Committee of the same programme.

He is an adjunct researcher of the Millennium Nucleus for the Study of Politics, Public Opinion, and Media in Chile (MEPOP), which is funded by the National Research and Development Agency of Chile. Additionally, he serves as the director and researcher of two R&D projects funded by the Universidad de los Andes.

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